Originally posted by Britannica:
[cool] post Ace!

Originally posted by Chant:
Yes, that was really a cool post Ace, though I wonder who is going to fall victim to Froggy, the teleporting frog next? [mwah hwah haa] [mwah hwah haa]

Hehehe... Thanks. Guess that's what comes from holding in all your writing for so long and then just releasing it all at once.

Chant, I know what you mean. I can't stand eating fish either. Thinking of those big fish eyes just looking up all blank doesn't tempt me too much, plus I've never liked the taste.

Midnight- I agree with everyone else. Cool new name. [wink]

And of course " [biiiig grin] HAPPY BIRTHDAY JLR!!! [biiiig grin] "