And here are some that you have all been waiting for (well some of you anyway... )

Wedding pics

Just after our Buddhist teas ceremony, in our Asean conference garb

Do it Yourself weddings... "Let's see, insert Ring A onto Finger B. Hmmm, can't be that hard..."?

Hopefully I can post some better pics, when I get the official photographer's pics (early next year).

Anyhoo folks. This is my last post before Christmas (only 9 mins to go here in Australia, before Santa, so I better be quick).

Hope you all have a Very Merry and safe Christmas. And get lots of pressies!

Take care and I look forward to reading the further adventures of the JLR (and it's posters ) in the New Year!

All the best!

Britannica & Di Bat Pho

Member of the Justice League Reality