Hey Midnight, welcome to the new boards. I really like the second part of your signature line.

Just becuase the JLR is dying, doesn't mean you have to kill our characters, Chant!

I blame myself, for the current situation. I keep introducing concepts, coming up with scenarios and storylines and creating characters.

Myabe JLR was never designed to to be MBL or Hero Revolution, with storylines and continuity and such?

Perhaps the JLR was/is always meant to be the chaoticly membered, recipe swapping group, which posts situations for others to get out of - no matter the consiquences for story, continuity or sanity?

I will be sad to see the JLR disappear.

But maybe the RKMB needs the JLR?

Not the MBL/Hero Revoultion type JLR but the original JLR. For those posters who don't have the time (or incilination) to contribute to long-winded storylines, who don't want to worry about continuity - but for those who want to take part every now and then, in the adventures of a group of heroes.

The JLR is not my creation, it's not Wednesday's... It's sort of Brian's actually, but I hope he doesn't mind, when I say - We are the JLR! The decision of what happens to the JLR should be up to all of us. So I have five questions for Ace, CJ, LM (if he's still around), Midnight, RM552 & Wednesday (and Jack/Hybrid).

1. Do YOU want to keep the JLR going?

2. If so:
a: Do you want to keep going as we are now?
b: Do you want to take the JLR back to the days of the DCMB, where anything goes storywise, where characters can come or go within the story?
c: Have you another suggestion for how we can bring life back into the JLR?

3. Do YOU want to end the JLR? (NOT my personal favorite option)

I'm happy to go with the majority decision.

Though I'm going to let you all know now. If the JLR survives, Britannica (the character) will no longer be a part of the JLR. The JLR can not continue with a know-it-all character, like him (well like me really ). I'll probably hook Brit up with MBL or Hero Revoultion or something (if they'll have me?).

But if JLR does survive, Britannica (the poster), would still like to take part in the JLR (if you'll have me). I've got a new character in mind for the JLR (which should work better).

Well, everyone. 'Tis time to air our thoughts. The Talk Thread is all yours...


Last edited by Britannica; 2004-01-14 2:11 AM.