I have no intentions of killing anyone, though what I meant is that I do have an ending for the current JLR, one that will end it all, and perhaps start it again, from scratch, I can do this, if people want me too, if you want a part of the ending, then by all means, get posting!

Regarding myself and JLR, I probably won´t be a part of a JLR reboot since "silly" stories really aren´t my style. Sure, stories can have funny elements, even silly sometimes. But not always and consistently.
What I mean is that I would prefer to write more serious stories. Obviously this has nothing to do with any of you (in case some of you wondered whether that was the case) It has something to do with my own views of how my own stories should be like. In that area, I have a rather dark nature. I also like to inject philosofical points into stories. Which in part is why I like series like Andromeda and the Sword of Truth. The philosofical stuff. This however, is extremely hard to write.
Another thing is that I have always wanted to write Science Fiction, so if I suddenly post a new story, you can bet it will be a scifi story.

Well, enough talk.
Please let me know if you want me to write my ending to the current JLR, or do any of you want to do that?

Racks be to MisterJLA