Okay people, here´s a draft of the bio for my serious character. I know that the talk-thread for the JLR might not be the right place to post this, but what the heck. He is sort of a science fiction character. This character will be used in some stories I´d like to tell, it has nothing to do with the reboot!

Full name: Jason T. Scott
Gender: Male
Species: Homo Sapians Dominant (caucasian)
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 220 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark
Occupation: Former PsiOps operative. Currently unemployed

Known abilities/Powers: Ambidextrous, Powerful Empathic ability, Full self adrenelin control, close-quarter combat expert (Various forms of kick-boxing, and to some minor extent; Ninjitsu) Photographic memory, Perfect balance, very high pain threshold.

Skills: Excellent technical, scientific and medical skills, adequate cooking skills (for himself that is ) various piloting skills (land, air and space vehicles)
Survival training (desert, antartic, jungle) Zero-G combat training.

As a member of the advanced species known as Homo Sapians Dominant Jason Scott has all the benefits derived therefrom, biological and mentally. Homo Sapians Dominant are "equipped" with two sets of every organ (lungs, kidneys liver etc.) except the heart which he has four of! In the center of his body he has an organ that does not occur in normail human beings. This organ is a sort of control node, it guides all of bodys organs, making them more efficient. Vastly increased muscle mass and nervous system. Increased synaptic activity. Incredibly hard bone structure, increased regenerative capability, perfect eye-sight and hearing. Superior feeling capability, this is almost like a sixth sense (think spidersense people, though it doesn´t work excactly that way) enabling him to feel most incoming attacks. This does only work on close range. He is immune to most deceases, poisons and radiation types and he can hold his breath for very long time (excact time is unknown)

Equipment: Two Mark IV Kinetic Pulse Pistols, 1 Mark III Kinetic Pulse Rifle. PsiOps combat suit, ID tags, various small personal items, survival gear.

Classified information!

The subject is a class D Psyker* It is as of yet undetermined whether or not his Psychic abilities are greater than they appear to be. Further evaluation and observation is recommended. Subject has, however, shown a high unwillingness to cooperate with PsiOps and Psi-Intel.
Notice that if subject cannot be made to cooperate standard procedure calls for immediate elimination.

Jason T. Scott was born to Stacey Scott and Erik Scott, two prominent scientists living on Epsilon IV. A planet of high strategic value it was often the center of border skirmishes between the Humans and the Kaitarians, a warlike reptilian species.
Epsilon IV used to be a rich and fertile planet with wildlife rivalling that of Earth itself. The many years of constant war has, however, reduced that wildlife and fertility to nothing. It was under the attack were Epsilon IV fell to the Kaitarian fleet that Jason was born.
The circumstances regarding his birth are not yet determined. Apparently both his father and the better part of the Human armed forces died a couple of hours before his birth. No injuries, no poison, radiation or decease was involved. Research points to the fact that the neural network and synaptic network on the victims were burned, or for lack of a better word, fried instantly.
Because of this incident Jason and his mother were arrested by a government division known as PsiOps in order to determine if Jason were capable of utilizing psionic abilities.
He soon developed a powerful empathic ability but there was no evidence of any other psionic activity. The scientists remained suspicious though, as they knew that Jason was extremely intelligent and had shown a stubborn unwillingness to cooperate in regards to psionic powers.
He was trained in various combat and infiltration techniques by PsiOps and scientific skills by Psi Intel.
When he turned 18 he completed his first covert operation for PsiOps. He continued to operate in the shadows for PsiOps and his mission success rate was 100%
At his 25th birthday Jason resigned from PsiOps, permanently by killing his mission superiors and the Chief of Staff, along with all of his bodyguards.
He issued a warning to PsiOps and Psi Intel, that if they followed him he would expose them to the public forum.
Obviously this threat haven´t detered the two organisations from trying to recover their valuable operative.

So, whaddaya think, obviously this is just a starting draft, and it needs polishing

Last edited by Chant; 2004-01-19 9:38 AM.

Racks be to MisterJLA