Remember a couple of pages back, I said that I was going to retire Brit (the character) from the JLR, but wanted to bring in a new character, so Brit (the poster), could still take part in JLR adventures.

Well here he is. Introdcing....

The Ice Cream Man

Ice cream vendor, John "Scoop" Brooker, had been selling ice cream for years, when a crime syndicate moved into town, demanding "protection" money. John refused to pay the heavies.

As he was about to close up shop one night, five men entered the store, once more demanding money. Scoop refused again, so the five thugs attacked him and trashed the store, leaving Scoop's broken body in the freezer.

The cold was not going to kill him, as the thugs had switched the freezer off. But Scoop couldn't move, because of his broken limbs. He lay there in the dark, the melting ice cream oozing into his wounds, stinging like crazy. He feebly called for help, but it wasn't until the next morning, that the alarm was raised and Scoop was rushed to hospital.

After months in hospital, and countless operations, Scoop was released. Though the doctor's prognosis of repairing John's shattered leg was poor, he was determined to mend his shattered life and headed straight back to his store.

It was only 9.30 in the morning and 22 degrees celsius, but he felt like he was melting. He decided it must be the effect of his trauma and thought nothing more of it.

He started cleaning the store up, sweeping up glass and mopping melted ice cream, when the heavies returned. In his weakened condition Scoop was not going to last a minute.

One of the thugs threw a punch, but rather than the sickening thud, the thug's fist went straight through John's stomach. Everyone (including John) reeled in shock. John thought he was going to be sick, as the thug's arm was still sticking through his torso.

John, pushed the thug away. Now it was the thug's turn to feel sick, as they watched the hole in John's body repair itself, his body oozing like a thick liquid.

John took the initiative and threw a punch, to his amazement, as his fist moved through the air, it became ice-cold, changed into hard chunky chock-chip ice cream and grew bigger! The first thug went down - his nose broken.

A second thug pulled a knife and lunged at Scoop. Instinctively, Scoop went to dodge the attack, but rather than his whole body moving, just his midriff moved making his body look like a bent pipe. Scoop lashed out against the thug, a stream of boysenberry ripple blasted the thug sending him careering into the wall.

The third and forth thugs attacked. Scoop had dropped his walking stick earlier, he wished he had a baseball bat handy, suddenly rainbow swirl ice cream came out of his hand, morphing itself into the form of a baseball bat. Two more thugs went down.

The fifth and final thug, lost his nerve and made a run for it. Scoop raced after him, hand outstretched ready to grab the criminal. Strawberry ice cream shot out from his hand, making the criminal slip over. Scoop having got an idea from the base-ball bat earlier, crated an ice-cream cage to trap the thug, before he could get up again.

After the adrenaline rush, Scoop looked around at the carnage, then looked at himself in the mirror. Somehow Scoop had been transformed into a living ice cream man. His body was now a combination of a variety of ice cream flavors. And his body wasn't hurting anymore! Scoop took a few deep breaths and was able to transform his body back into human form, unfortuantely, his leg also returned to its original crippled state.

Scoop called the police and made up a story about a mysterious ice cream man who saved him.

Scoop vowed to drive the underworld criminals from his town. Calling himself The Ice Cream Man, he helped other shop owners against the "protection" rackets and shutdown the other operations run by the criminals. Though he has yet to find out who is the "Mr. Big" of the criminal organisation.

Because of the amount of time he focuses in battling the criminal underworld, John sold his ice cream store. He tends to spend most of his time in his Ice Cream Man form, as he doesn't feel the pain from his injuries, which still affects John in human form.

The Ice Cream Man can transform his body into a variety of ice-cream flavors. He can also control his body's consistency from melted to rock-hard, giving him the ability to shape shift, move through small openings or hit someone with incredible strength.

Ice Cream Man can also create constructs from any flavor ice cream. These include, baseball bats, ice cream sleds, cages, barriers and other items.

The Ice Cream Man tends to melt in hot environments and around flame.

John "Scoop" Brooker in his human form, still walks with a limp and requires a walking stick. However in his Ice Cream Man form, he does not require a walking aid.

His ice cream constructs are enough.

So, can he take part in the membership drive?

Member of the Justice League Reality