Hi, I'm Alex Hender… I mean, hi, I'm Centurian, from Meadsville, PA

About a month ago, I was in my local gaming store, Dragon Rampant, when a strange man walked up to me and offered me some percentile dice.

I was very suspicious and told him that I didn't need any more.

He told me, I would want these ones, and he guaranteed impressive results. He pressed the dice into my hands and literally disappeared into the shadows.

I put the dice in my pocket and went straight home. When I got to my room, I absently took the dice from my pocket and threw them on my bedside table.

There was a loud boom and I was sort of transformed into Thorfen, a Dwarvan Fighter-Thief.

It was weird. I wasn't exactly Thorfen, I guess I was replaced by him instead. I seem to remember being able to communicate with him, but he didn't want to listen to me, he said he was hungry. He made a huge mess in the kitchen.

After about 3 hours, Thorfen disappeared and I reappeared in my home. It was lucky I just had enough time to clean up, before mom got back from work.

The next day after school, I went to the park to try the dice again. If the dwarf was coming back, I didn't want to be at home. Though when I rolled the dice, I wasn't replaced by Thorfen, I was replaced by Alovaren an Elvin Archer.

After a bit more testing, I discovered, that the dice replaced me with different fantasy adventurers or creatures, depending on the dice role. I called myself Centurian, because I guess, I can randomly call upon 100 different beings. These characters exchange places with me for 3 hours, before I return.

I haven't had the opportunity to find out about all the adventurers or creatures that will be summoned by specific rolls, yet. But I’m filling in the blanks as I roll them up.

The good news, is that I can communicate with these adventurers and have been able to influence their actions - a bit. But they don't always listen to me. Another problem is that I have no control over who will replace me. The rolls are completely random.

Hope you accept my membership.


Member of The Justice League Reality ************** Dice and Slice