
Britannica said:

Midnight Spectre 2.0 said:

And what details!!!

Jeez, glad your OK.

Hope things have settled down now. How is the bloke who was shot? Did the authorities find those responsible for the fight?

Here's an update, courtesy of The Equinox:

The university community continued to reel last week after an April 3 party at the Florham campus, attended by a bus-load of students from this campus as well as many non-students, erupted in fighting and gunfire, injuring a total of eight persons.

By mid-week, the Morris County prosecutor had arrested five suspects, none of whom were current FDU students. While law enforcement officials continued their investigation, student leaders and administrators rushed in to do damage control for the university's image and reputation following intense news coverage of the violence.

Meanwhile, university administrators at both campuses attempted to sort out details of the event in order to hammer out new policies to ensure students' safety in the future.

The festivities started on this campus on Saturday, April 3, with an annual fashion show sponsored by the Nubian Ladies and the Haitian Cultural Association in the Student Union Building. Many students who attended boarded a chartered bus while others drove themselves to the Student Center at the Florham campus for a party sponsored by the Association of Black Collegians (ABC) of that campus. The number of attendees remains unknown, but witnesses have estimated that as many as 400 were there.

According to a report from the Morris County prosecutor's office, "On Sunday, April 4, at approximately 1:13 a.m., the Florham Park Police Department received a telephone call from the Fairleigh Dickinson University Public Safety Department indicating a disturbance was occurring in the Student Center on campus. Florham Park Police responded to the scene. Upon arrival, the responding officers were advised by students that a fight had broken out, and as a result several people had suffered stab wounds.

"These individuals were transported to Morristown Memorial Hospital. None of the wounds were life threatening in nature. Initial information was that seven persons were injured as a result of the incident (one person with nine superficial knife wounds, three persons suffered from stab wounds, two individuals were treated for other injuries, one from a bottle and one from a bench).

I also learned at a recent speakout that the group originally thought to have planned the party were only responsible for promoting it. Since it happened to take place after their fashion show, people associated one with the other.

Other than that, things have settled down at FDU. Everyone who went to the Student Government Association Awards Gala (the "Academy Awards of FDU") enjoyed themselves. Hopefully, the same will be said of next Friday's midnight cruise.

"Boasting is not courage. He who boasts much cannot do much. Much gesticulation does not prove courage." "Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts." Aristotle "Honor is like a steep island without a shore: one cannot return once one is outside." Nicholas Bouleau