
Fused said:
Someone will follow up I'm sure. It was a good read man. Also glad Wednesday followed up my newbie performance on this story. Good stuff as all of it is. Pure entertainment!

I like your style of storytelling, Centurian. One of the intersteresting aspects of these stories is interpreting everyones different perspectives and styles. I wish I had done more homework as you have before posting my first. I'm pretty jazzed about how this current story will move along. I want others to write more before I practice and develop as a Leaguer and writer.

Don't worry about it, Fused. Many of us enjoyed your first post (we've been talking about you behind your back).

The best ways to learn are to read what we've done so far and just dive in and write more. Don't worry about waiting for others. At the pace this story's going, it might be a while anyway .