
Powers: Variable. Every Wednesday of every week, Wednesday gets a new power. So far he's been able to teleport, and move objects. At one point during The Convention Adventure Wednesday had 365 powers (time warp bubble glitch). Currently, he can apparently harden himself to steel, a la Colossus, giving him super-resistance and strength.

Note: This isn't every real-life Wednesday, however. Real weeks pass much faster than weeks in the story, so months can go by in the real world before the character sees a power change.

Personality: Possibly the least heroic of the heroes, Wednesday would prefer to be surrounded by good looking women than beating up on villains. Wednesday is always on the prowl for a beautiful girl with a nice body and a phone number to give. He is also, possibly the most likely to say what's on his mind. What's on his mind, though, is often the last thing anyone wants to hear. He can be condescending and plainly rude at times. His heart is in the right place, though. When the chips are down, Wednesday can be counted on.

History: Rumored to be an ex-pimp (this has never been proven or denied) Wednesday's origins are blurry at best. Originally, he was called Any Given Wednesday before shortening his name to simply Wednesday.

Related Characters:

Superfly Sr.: Wednesday's doppleganger from this universe, Superfly has the exact same power. When the JLR first came to this universe (Rob's Damn Board) from their own (the DCMBs) Superfly Sr. pretended to be Any Given Wednesday, allowing him to infiltrate the JLR's ranks. This plan was eventually thwarted after the real Any Given Wednesday appeared in this universe. Currently, Superfly Sr. is a member of the Injustice Reality League (IRL), a group of villains consisting largely of JLR dopplegangers.

Vanessa: She is a Hooter's Restaurant calendar girl who once had... relations with Superfly Sr. At the time, however, Superfly was masquerading as Wednesday (named Any Given Wednesday back then), so Vanessa naturally believed Wednesday was the father of their unborn child. Recently (in the unfinished JLR War story) she was seen hanging with the IRL. Apparently, she is with Superfly Sr. now; though whether she is a member of the IRL has yet to be seen.