Reaching way back to a previous point...


Someone named DJ Comicbook from said:
Justice League Real

These are the adventures of five normal teenagers who are given the powers of the JLA overnight. They have just started and now, we don't why we have powers, but the responsibilities start cropping up really fast.

With no further adue, Superman/Justin's POV:

I Landed.

I looked around. I knew the situation. A bomb threat with a crazy maniac holding both the trigger and my favorite females.

And I was the hero... the scariest part of all.

I looked around, wondering when the others were going to get here.

"You rang, J?"

Flash popped up next to me, in typical superspeed fashion.

"Daryl... You're going to have to make one of those split decisions."

"Don't I always?" He looked at me through his goggles with this non-chalant depression that only he could express. And probably only to me. "Where are the others?"

"I don't know, you can go..." I began.

"No." Batman cut me off. "No splitting up, the situation needs too much timing." I heard through my communicator.

"Travis, I've got timing down to a 'T'." Daryl laughed, as if the idea of him being outtimed was rediculous.

Seeing him run it kinda was, but the Bat was insistent, big surprise...

This guy gets a Yahoo! hit for 'Justice League Reality' and we don't. Something must be done!