Operation: Justice League Reality Phoenix

The Statement: Though we continue, as a team, to misinterpret, misspell, and totally miss the point, many of our ranks have fallen -- venturing off into other areas of cyber space or, dare we say it, posting only to the talk thread and never to the actual story!

The Mission: To return these former Justice League Reality posters to glory, by bringing them back into our ranks, forcing them to, once again, post bad comedy.

The Weaponry: Annoyance! Emails, pms, instant messages, taunting. And for dessert... more annoyance! More emails, more pms, more instant messages, more taunting. All of the calories with none of the mercy!

Current Target:
Cowgirl Jack
(aka Harpy)

Status: last posted to a JLR story on: Thu Jul 24 2003 10:14 AM.

Recommended Approach: bombard target with emails or PMs with links to this thread.
jmangelo@ufl.edu (suggested)
PM Cowgirl Jack
PM Harpy

No matter the means of bombardment, just remember to put "JLR" in the subject line .

My fellow JLR-ians, it doesn't matter if you've been here since the DCMBs or ya just got here a few pages ago. We're all here to keep this story going... by any means necessary. So ask not where your fellow writers disappeared to, but what you can do to get them back!

Everyone new and old... commence attack!