So CJ would rather sit this one out. Sad, but understandable. The Vanguard stories are actually more her style, I suppose. They're more organized. They don't step on each other's toes. Less wiggle.

On a side note: I've thoroughly enjoyed stepping on all your toes for the last year and change.

Anywho, I say we accept this one and move on. I'll allow this loss, because, really, she'll only be a thread or two away in HH2, and we have so many other writers to concentrate on. Feel free, though, to send her a message or two every now and again. I know I will.

On that same note, I say we take the characters whose writers haven't been around for a while and put them on hiatus or take them out of the story permanently, depending. We need to skim down the ranks. Having fewer active members will make characterization easier, and make it easier for future inductees to jump into the story. We've already got a bunch of new members who'll need face time, and if what Brit and I are doing on other boards works, we'll have a few more members soon.