
However in one of my more restless nights, I have come up with JLR vs JLA. What if the JLR battled our counterparts in the JLA?

Who would they be?

Here are my choices:

JLR Big Three - Midnight Spectre, Cowgirl Jack & Wednesday
JLA Big Three - Superman, Batman & Wonder Woman

Registered Member #552 - Aquaman

Ace & La Machine - Flash (Wally) & Green Lantern (Kyle) (of course Green Arrow could be considered for Ace too, but Ace is in the big 7, GA's not.)

Britannica - Martain Manhunter (or Oracle )

Transneapolitan - Metamorpho

Hybrid - (first thought Changeling/Beast Boy, but as he wasn't in the JLA...) Tasmanian Devil

Fused - Black Canary (sorry, it's the powers ) how about Major Disaster...? (gob, that doesn't sound any better )

Centurian - (first thought Dial H for Hero, but that pesky JLA membership thing popped up again) Captain Marvel

Chessmaster - Monitou Raven

dun_like_dinner - Firestorm

Di Bat Pho - Black Canary

Glomad Beefknickle - Orion

REDSOX - Blue Beetle

DJ Miker Dee - Booster Gold

Starsky_Hutch76 - Captain Atom

super chief - Kilowog, eh Barry Allen (apparently), eh Snapper Carr?

oh and of course...

Chant - Despero

So the challenge is set. Which members of the JLA would you have battle the JLR?

Member of the Justice League Reality