
After scouring the multiverse, I have come across a number of posters whom I think we should consider approaching to see if they would be interested in joining the JLR.

Over the next few weeks I will be presenting you all with the details of these candidates for your perusal.

Please DO NOT bombard these people with e-mails, like we do with poster phoenixes. This is just to give everyone in the JLR, the opportunity to decide whom we should approach.

We can draft an e-mail, highlighting the virtues of the JLR and send it to all of them later.


The first few candidates are from The Coming Soon Message Board

The first of these is TyRoss

TyRoss is the author of several adventures, including Noble Calling, a medieval adventure with characters based on posters from that board.

Yes or No or Maybe?


From the same board is droidguy1119

Appears to be a scriptwriter of sorts.

His signature has links to his works on the CSMB and other websites

Yes or No or Maybe?


Next is Selenity Rasgado.

She is the owner of the TeenTitansShow Yahoo group. And contributes to Animation Insider Message Board, as BountyHuntress.

Though the Animation Insider board mainly concentrates on talking about the Teen Titans, X-Men and JL cartoons (they even call the JL part of the board the Justice League Resource - JLR! ).

Though I haven’t seen any of her work. Her profiles say she likes writing and role playing. Which would work well with the JLR.

Yes or No or Maybe?


More to come later.


Member of the Justice League Reality