Thanks Cent, Hybrid and Ace for the links.

I've only had a chance to read Stupid Dogg's 1st Anthology, but gee, what an anthology! That guy is brilliant!

But does anyone have a very small box we can keep him, between posts? If he only writes when he's depressed...?

Had a quick look at the other's works.

Really liked Bapman's story.

Also Lord Benjamin's A tough day for superheroes story.

Spandex Monkey Man sounds fun

Lizard Man already has the moves (and the lingo) for JLR.

Ghimpy G already has experience dealing with unruly Narrators. Would be very handy.

And I really enjoyed Nikira's Aesthetically Pleasing Warrior, Officer Aries story.

I wouldn't want to discount any of the others, though. Because I enjoyed their stuff too.

But what does everyone else think?

Member of the Justice League Reality