Hi all,

Here is the e-mail I propose to send to our list of recruits from other boards/sites.

I'll probably do something different for those from the RKMB.

Anyhoo, what do you all think? Should I add something else, leave other stuff out???




<Insert name of poster here - inoph> is going about their daily business, when suddenly a portal opens above them.

<inoph> hears a yell of distress....


...and looks up to see a body hurtling towards him/her.

<inoph>: Eek!

<inoph> side steps out of the way, just as the hurtling body falls out of the portal and lands in a heap on the ground.


Man on ground: oof.

<inoph>: Are you OK?

Man: [slowly getting to his feet] Yes... ow... thankyou... eek... everything's... ooo.... under.... ah.... control...

<inoph>: Oh good. I'll see you later then.

Man: Wait <inoph>!

<inoph>: Hey! How do you know my name? Who are you anyway?

Man: How do you do, allow me to introduce myself. I am Britannica - the Superhero Librarian...

<inoph>: Hey, if it's about that overdue book...

Britannica: No. No. I'm not here for that.

<inoph>: Phew...

Britannica: I represent a team of heroes called the JLR...

<inoph>: The JLR!?! Huh?

Britannica: The Justice League Reality. We handle the real cases no other superhero team will touch. Mail masters of Mayhem and their Evil US Postal Worker-type Minions, Giant Paper Golems, evil doppelgangers, psychotic bunnies, unruly narrators, teammates gone mad. You know how it is...

<inoph>: Uh... yeah... sure...

Britannica: Anyhoo, I have travelled from my message board, the Rob Kamphausen Message Board, to speak to you. I've been following your exploits...

<inoph>: You've been stalking me!?!

Britannica: No! No.... well maybe... just a little... okay, yes. But it's OK, I'm married!

<inoph>: And that makes it better, you pervert?

Britannica: Look this isn't what you think. A few of our members have disappeared. And a few more aren't returning our calls. My teammates and I have seen your work and think it's great. So I've come to ask you if you would be interested in becoming a member of the JLR?

<inoph>: So now you're spaming me!

Britannica: Look, take these...

Britannica hands <inoph> several weighty tomes...

<inoph>: [reading the titles]

JLR: In the beginning... (A.K.A.: Can I Be In The Justice League, Too? -- From the DC Comic Message Board)

The Justice League Reality - Message Board

JLR: The Convention Adventure

JLR War (unfinished, but we're getting there... honest)

JLR: The Wedding (Britannica's solo adventure, featuring the JLR) (work in progress)

JLR vs the CSF! (current storyline of choice)

Britannica: These are records of our exploits. Have a read through them, if you like what you see and think you're up to the challenge, leave a message on our JLR Talk Thread and we'll arrange to pick you up.

Britannica uses his Information Gateway Ability to open another portal.

Britannica: Anyhoo, got to run. Hope to hear from you soon! Ta!

Britannica steps into the portal, quickly popping his head back out...

Britannica: Oh, and just one more thing... While the JLR are a PG group (just the occasional cuss or intimate situation), some areas of the RKMB do contain adult content, so if you are easily offended or underage, I do not recommend you come over. Ta again!

And with that Britannica is gone.

<inoph>: Hey, what about the dental program!?!

Member of the Justice League Reality