First and foremost, I am so so sorry!

My only excuse is that it was really late at night. Honestly, my only purpose was to undo Chant's post so we could get back to the battle, but after a late night conversation with a friend, it spiraled into a take-everyone-down-that-i-can fest.

I hope no one gets too offended by it. It was all good-willed ribbing, after all. And if we can't laugh at ourselves, who can we laught at. Hahaha.. hehehe... oh boy... .

I'll miss you guys after Brian kills me.

But if it makes you guys feel any better, I was artistically able to place every smiley on Rob's board sensically (is that a word?) into those two posts one time each.

Like I said, I was tired and I apologize. Feel free to rib my character in the adventure. He needs to be knocked off his pedestal anyway... buuuuuut that probably won't happen .

Yours condescendingly,
The closet pervert who's too afraid of his own gaping insufficiency to ever hold a steady relationship .