Well Wednesday, you may have your wish...


Batwoman said:
Thanks but I'm way too busy to join. I'm having a hard enough time trying to keep up with everything I'm involved with as it is, including writing for a tv fandom.

Maybe some other time.



droidguy1119 said:
I've been thinking about it and I've decided that, unfortunately, I don't want to participate in your game. Sorry.

Still, if you start another one, drop me another line, maybe I'll be interested then.




Mr. Fear said:

But I unfortunately will have to decline. It's sad that I want to be a comic writer, but I can never commit to a fan fic past its first or second part. First it was Spidey High, then this Thunderbolts one, then a Fantastic Four one (which would have been really rad if I finished it). So, sorry, I'm glad you like my stuff though.

BTW: You're stuff and everyone elses was awesome, I plan to check up on the site and read them often.

Oh well. Still very nice of them to reply.

And at least the others haven't called the cops on me for harrassment....

Member of the Justice League Reality