I would like to refer Chant to the fact that the Secret Files and Origins refer to the characters appearing in the adventures of the JLR, not the posters.

I would also like to draw your attention to the first post which provides information specifically about the characters who have been members of the JLR.

That is why you also have Di Bat Pho and Harpy II (neither of whom were posters) listed as as members or active associates, as well.

And by active associate I mean, someone who joined in a JLR adventure/battle and/or spent time at the Estate of Justice.

Hmmm.... mental note to self... probably should include Larry then? Or should I set up a staff/sidekicks listing?

Zues and King of Doesntreallyexistia (and everyone else who are helping the JLR in War) are associates only. The King never spent time at the HQ and Zues never really helped the JLR in battle.

Does this make sense??? Probably not...


Indeed Chant you have contributed (oh boy, have you contributed! ) to the JLR adventures, however the character of Chant did not join the JLR until JLR: The Convention Adventure page 5 and left the team in JLR: The Convention Adventure page 10.

I was considering including a list of posters/characters who had applied or had been rejected for JLR membership (in the DCMB days and in the recent CSF story), but then I thought that was getting too anal.

I could add the list of posters who have posted to JLR stories, if it will make you happy.

Otherwise, just wait for Britannica's Encyclopaedia JLR...

Coming one day.

Member of the Justice League Reality