Decree 3: Use and abuse of JLR member characters in adventures

3.1. Each poster is responsible for introducing their own JLR member character into each group adventure.

3.2. JLR member characters can be introduced at any time in a group adventure.

3.3 Any poster can introduce any other character (ie, not a JLR member), into a group adventure.

3.4. Any poster working on a solo adventure within JLR continuity, may use any active member of the JLR in the necessary era.

3.4.1. Only the poster's JLR character may be permanently changed/augmented/de-powered/written out of the team/killed-off in a solo adventure.

3.4.2. Other JLR member characters cannot be permanently changed/augmented/de-powered/written out of the team/killed-off in a solo adventure.

3.5. Any poster working on a JLRemix (alternate reality/else worlds) adventure may use any character (JLR or otherwise) and use them as they wish.

3.6. Any poster who does not contribute to a JLR group adventure or to the JLR Talk Thread for a period of six (6) months, shall have their JLR member character enter JLR Limbo, by the JLR leader (or appointed representative). Either:

3.6.1. During the current group adventure of choice; or

3.6.2. At the beginning of the next group adventure of choice.

3.6.3. These JLR member characters shall enter JLR limbo, by way of: personal mission; personal business opportunity; mysterious kidnapping by mysterious extra-dimensional being; mysterious kidnapping by mysterious villain; mysterious reason, to be concocted later.

3.6.4. These characters may not be killed! On pain of death!

3.7. Posters may permanently kill their own JLR member character.

3.7.1. Posters cannot permanently kill another poster's JLR member character.

Member of the Justice League Reality