
Wednesday said:

Britannica said:

1.2.1 Outgoing JLR leaders shall forfeit RKMB Moderator privileges for Hero Headquarters 2.0, once again as per the whims of Rob - The Moderator Prime.

1. Is that really necessary? Personally, I'd like to have more than one JLR member hold moderatorship at any given time. The best thing, I think, is for the JLR leader to choose one or two other members to hold moderator status... just in case.

2. Does this mean I should relinquish my moderatorship. If you want me to, that's cool, just let me know.

No. I meant, once I get booted out of the leader role, that new leader would get my moderator privileges.

As your good self and TTT were granted Moderator status by Rob himself, who am I to rescind that privilege?

But if it makes you happy, I am invoking decree 1.4. The JLR leader may delegate tasks and authority to other members, as is necessary.

Delegated authority 1:
Wednesday shall have the authority of Moderatorship until such time as he disappears from the RKMB, the JLR members unanimously demand a new Moderator, or depending on the whim of Rob - The Moderator Prime (whichever comes first).

Member of the Justice League Reality