
Wednesday said:

Britannica said:
Decree 3: Use and abuse of JLR member characters in adventures

3.1. Each poster is responsible for introducing their own JLR member character into each group adventure...

3.3 Any poster can introduce any other character (ie, not a JLR member), into a group adventure.

Maybe I'm reading these wrong, but wouldn't this make it difficult for the first few people to post to a story? If I start a story, but it's Midnight Spectre's responsibility to add himself to the story, does that mean I can't include him in my first post.

I definitely understand where you're coming from with this. I would just like a little clarification.

My intent was in relation to introducing a character into the main action. This could be done either by turning up during some obvious emergency or answering a call to arms by another character that is involved in said obvious emergency.

So for example, at the start of a new adventure, if Wednesday needed the JLR to back him up, you could write that Wednesday contacts Midnight, RM, Brit, Spandex, etc. But then it would be up to those posters to have their characters answer that call to arms and introduce them into the main action.

Once the character is in the story, other posters can use that character as usual.

If we want these rulings, I can change that wording. If it helps.


Which reminds me, the JLR needs communicators.

Perhaps RM552, Fused, TTT and Spandex could build an automated communications device?

Maybe it could be called the Jlr Automated Recording Voicemail and Information Service...

Or J.A.R.V.I.S. for short.

But perhaps that shold be in the next adventure.

But I digress again.

Member of the Justice League Reality