
SpandexMonkeyMan said:
By the way, I'll probably be posting again soon so people can get more of a feel for Islington. As for why I bought him in, well things wree slowing down a bit and there's nothing like an apocalypse to get people focused.
Also, what happened to Hybrid and Fused? neither of them have posted to CSF for ages. Fused's been around on the tak thread, but I haven't seen sight nor sound of Hybrid since before I got here.
D0GG, great post to Mid-West but I'm thinking you might be needing to wrap that up soon, or the JLR will have exited the scene before you get here.

I point you toward JLR: The Convention Adventure for proof on how long these guys can drag out a story. And with the posts coming in at an irregular basis, I think I have a little bit of time.