I second what Wednesday just said. Guys are dropping like flies out there.

And Chant, I've decided to keep Chessmaster on as I happen to rather like him. No offence meant ot nuthin'

And Chant's power to dominate minds wouldn't work on Islington (he's totally deranged, it'd be like trying to mind-control Satan) or TSOD, as he's been mentally trained to resist mind control by Master Darkness. I really should've put that down in his bio, but I clean forgot. Sorry!

And Spandex could steal his powers as they're powered by the holy devices he protected (re: latest SMM post on CSF). This means that whilst he himself ain't quite Gob-level, the relics are, so they'd steal them via their conduit (him). It's very confusing, and I'll update his bios page asap. And knock it off about Bill Clinton, he's an alright guy.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!