Agent Smith is dead. He was weakened by a computer virus and finally melted from a blast of lava by Dogg. Transneapolitan (006) is dead because he was a Smith at the time, and when the virus infected the human-clone Smiths they died.

Islington is near dead because he was a Smith when the virus destroyed the others, but he was too powerful and the virus only weakened him severely, and last seen SMM was threatening to steal his powers and let him die.

There are a shit load of TTT's, along with the rest of the JLR, and Dogg created a Mech with dual cannon Super Soaker 70thousands in the Matrix's real world. The CSF and Sunlights group are severely powered down and outnumbered.

I don't know how helpful that was, but basically it finally looks like its coming to a close.