
Stupid Dogg said:

SpandexMonkeyMan said:
Yeah, that was useful. Just one thing though. Does ANYONE have the faintest clue what's going on with that Matrix thing Fused whipped up?

I think it doesn't exist anymore because Smith is finally dead, so the rules of his fictional world no longer apply.

Yeah I'm down with this interpretation. I threw it in as a gimmickey twisty twist. For me, the fictional characters could only live in the JLR's world if they came in with their fiction worlds ruleset. This caused rifts and even time/reality warps for the JLR. TTT and DOGG found a way to use this to their advantage and defeat Smith, Islington was a 2fer.

Now DOGG and SMM have officially slaughtered their badasses we can now concentrate on the CSF. Who knows, Maybe its possible to bring things from the CSF's world to ours while the dimensional rifts are open. Then again it *is* 3:30 am and I have to wake up in 6 hours and do my homework.
