I think they should just be dumped into either Limbo, or be killed off!

I think Limbo would be preferable since it doesn't make it impossible for these characters to return, if the writer, however unlikely it sounds, should return.

on the matter of I not posting anything lately. Very simple explanation actually. I've got lots of other stuff to do and my work hours make it difficult for me to come with a decent post. So I've simply chosen not to post anything at all.

The next story should be about Chants return. If the Skull of Doom appears, GREAT!!

I'm really missing writing Chant, so that'll have to be dealt with in the next story.

No, it will NOT happen at the end of CSF if I have anything to say about it, and I do

So, the next story will have Chant returning on his quest for supreme power over the multiverse know as "The Net"

have a nice day everyone

Racks be to MisterJLA