I agree with Deputy Boss Man and Chant, a load of the characters should be offloaded at the end of CSF. In fact, I compiled a list of the ones I thought should be taken off. If anyone has any thoughts on that, I'm up for hearin about it.

Centurian-He's not posted in waaaay too long, and I was never sure about his powers to begin with. We can just have him satying home with Mommy for a while.
Chessmaster 9000.53-Chant's want him off, and I'm cool with that.
Midnight Spectre 2.0-I can't get a handle on this guy's powers or character, plus he hasn't posted since before I got here. And I don't like mystsic types.
Statika-A replacement for Spandex in a story arc that was abandoned. What's the point of having him around?

In case anyone's wondering why I've left certain people off that list, I'll explain.

Ace and RM552 have both made quite recent contributions to CSF, so they're in on that count. Plus, they both came off the DCMB, and I really want to see as many Old-timers around as possible.

Hybrid...well, I like Hybrid, and I think he makes a good foil for Wednesday. He hasn't been used a lot of late in posts, but I feel that that's simply because we're overloaded on characters.

Most of the others I either don't see why we should dump 'em, or they've been around quite recently.

BTW, will Jade Starlight be debuting in our next story?