Okay, we've been dancing around this issue for a while now. Time to address this thing like only a self-righteous bunghole like myself can. Let it be said:

SpandexMonkeyMan, nobody likes your character.

And here are the three big reasons why:

1. Your character is waaaay too powerful.

When you first got here you posted that your character's power was that he could steal any metahuman's power. That in itself is fine. There have been characters like that before--Rogue and Parasite spring to mind. However, everyone here soon discovered that there was one slight difference between your character and the two I just listed: SMM could steal powers from any meta-human... anywhere.


Let's think about this for a moment. Your character can steal powers from an unlimited number sources at any time, without a single consequence. He was a one-man army who could pull every flavor of shit out of his ass at any time. SpandexMonkeyMan was, as Fused put it, uber, when introduced.

Why would anyone else here want to write someone like that? He was so powerful he could defeat any enemy that the rest of the JLR could even hope to face... all without breaking a sweat.

Vegi-beast? No problem, I'll just use anti-flower power from some guy in Wisconsin.

Your team's got a magician? No problem, there's this girl in France... and now I have the meta-human power of magic faster than you can say "Presto Change-O!"

An evil angel who wants to destroy the world? *Yawn* This'll just take a minute. You guys just sit this one out.

Yeah sure, we've got other potentially powerful characters on the team, but they all come with a catch. Centurian depends on a pair of dice which are random. Wednesday's powers fluctuate weekly. In both cases both characters can find themselves at the top of the power chain or at the very bottom, and neither can really do a damned thing about it. In addition, Centurian doesn't have control over every beast, monster, and warrior he can summon. Wednesday never knows what his new power will be or is until the situation calls for it, and then it's a matter of luck. He's also not the most noble guy around. These are in-built weeknesses that make the characters interesting (in my opinion). And trust me, though Darren Messenger is very powerful (much like (young) Nightwing was) I'm giving him one heckuva weak spot that I hope will prove even more interesting than Wednesday's.

SMM had no such weakness. We told you that... eventually, so you changed his powers:

"The cunning of Batman, The Wings of Archangel, The Seismic Variation of Atom Smasher, The Elasticity of Mr. Fantastic, The Super-Speed of The Flash and the intangibility of The Vision! The only frustrating thing about his powers is that he can only use one at a time, and so can't, say, run at super speed whilst intangible."

Each of these powers is more than enough in itself, but now he can call on any one at any time! He can only use one at a time, you say and that's a start. However, this doesn't change the fact that SMM is still at a power level rivalled only by the likes of Superman, and even he would have trouble with someone who could fly, turn intangible, run at Flash-speed, and use the cunning of Batman whenever he likes. And before you think it, Martian Manhunter doesn't have seismic variation powers. Also, he still has zero shortcomings. Again, think about this. You've downgraded him, but still worked to keep him miles above the rest of us.

This is why SMM has been written out of every action sequence since his arrival.

Don't worry, this was the long point.