
SpandexMonkeyMan said:
How, when she's not there?



SpandexMonkeyMan said:
So does that mean Chant's nopt gonna have a dude in the JLR then, since Jade's not gonna be around?

I'm assuming the girl who fell in through the roof is still going to be his character, just not named Jade Starlight.



SpandexMonkeyMan said:
Also, even if TTT doesn't return, I propose we keep his guy around. He's a good character, and (personally) I think he'd be good to write. 'Course, I want him to come back anyway.

I REALLY like TTT's character too (I like all the characters in the story, actually). However, if I'm not sure if I feel comfortable doing stuff with his character when he's not here.

Then again, what's the difference, really? It's not like I run every line I write for every character through each character's creator.
