Lets make movie

*check list*

Kaz will be the Villain, the so-called General Tso and Super-Mega Moderator can be his little baby brother. Chant, Fused and the rest can be minions, all movie need cannon fodder. The Dutch Hero will be PJP with his flying ship created by Norsca Vikings. We also need som girls too, so I vote for SpandexMonkeyMan because he thinks that his character are so cool and soo powerful. He just need a makeover and will look like a girl. The Time Trust can operate the camara with a little luck. I will fetch some popcorn and we are ready to launch.

Please be free to announced the movie to all yours friends, it will pretty "transmission lost", hey hvad pokker sker der. Gå over til kanal 43, Brian, så prøver vi igen. Det virker "transmission reconnect" good. At least I hope.

What do you think about that idea.

Last edited by Battlekruse; 2005-02-01 12:17 AM.

Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know. Ernest Hemingway