
Chant said:
Yo, you there, newbie, Aislinn, yes, you!

not too shabby, not too shabby at all.

But loose the (sp?)s will ya?

it's not all that important if the spelling isn't correct. Besides, this IS the JLR, misspelling and continuityviolations are our trademarks

Not too shabby

Awwww, shucks ^_^; ok, no more (sp?)s unless Annilation turns villian and decided to reak mass havoc by using flying (sp?)s (hmmmm, memo to self, use that idea at some point in the future. )

I don't do drugs, because I am drugs!-Salvador Dali

Master's Wife: The child is a female. She must not be destroyed. She will grow up to be a woman.
Joel: Oh, is that how that works!

Wednesday-I will make for you a brother. He will be Jason Jr.