
Chant said:
you think you know terror Jay?

Obviously you've never worked in Kindergarten!

Actually, worked thrid grade as a teacher's assistant , but was more t-ed off at the teacher than her students. I am truely a believer in leaving not children behind, but the teacher in question wouldn't let me help the one in the class who needed the help most and frankly, didn't seem all too concerned about the poor girl

Not to mention that all of my sibs ARE demonspawn. Especially my youngest sister, who is a mix of Rosemary's baby and Bebe's Kids I managed to bypass that fate. so trust me I know the horror. If you think that my sibs are a breeze, I'll send them to you. However, you have to sign a contract saying that Jay Orin is not responsible for any injuries (both mental, physical, and spirital) that they inflict.

I don't do drugs, because I am drugs!-Salvador Dali

Master's Wife: The child is a female. She must not be destroyed. She will grow up to be a woman.
Joel: Oh, is that how that works!

Wednesday-I will make for you a brother. He will be Jason Jr.