Originally posted by Ultimate Jaburg53:
This fellow seems to be a good choice for judge.


he actually sorta resembles the guy they just captured!

Originally posted by Dave:
There is no death penalty in the Inernational Criminal Court at the Hague.

the UN reiterated their stance today, saying that if the trial fell before them, they would (could) not support an execution.

personally, unless the gulag from kingdom come is complete, i think the best decision should be letting the new iraqi government decid, when they finally take over (i'm assuming the trial wouldn't start until next year anyway).

i mean, i'd like the trial to be held in the states, but... perception would horrible, with all the obvious bias -- perhaps even enough to have a decision later turned over.

its not worth the chance of extra time and effort (and expense) for personal satisfaction. let it be done as fairly has possible.

i do know that whatever decision is made, dubya will be accused of more cartoonish super villainy.