
Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:

Wonder Boy said:
The death penalty is the only way you can guarantee that a killer will never kill again. I'm very much for it.

It's also the only way to guarantee that a child molester will never molest a child again. Why aren't child molesters executed? Because killing is the worst thing you can do? Oh... whoops!

What about prison for life? Is it not an option because it's more expensive? (Is it more expensive? I remember reading once that it actually costs more to use the lethal injection than to sustain someone in prison for life, but I can't remember where.) In that case, isn't it ridiculous to kill someone over a few bucks?


In addition, it's been shown that areas that have the death penalty have less murders than places that do not have a death penalty. It is a deterrant that lowers the number of murders, and ultimately saves lives.

I was once explained the opposite: a psychologist told me death penalty is seen as an "easy way out" for criminals. If you've done something bad enough to get the death penalty, then you've got nothing to lose. A serial killer might as well murder 20 more people, the punishment will be the same.


The world is a better place without him.

Like Pariah said, there's no way he would have killed again. The world isn't a better place: another murder's been committed.

Mxy is correct.

This will not act as a deterrent. Solitary confinement for life would have stopped him from killing. This does nothing good for Iraq or the world. We went into Iraq to end this kind of barbarism, this makes me think they are not ready to move past that.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.