Jeremy : love the video!

Klinton, Mxy, Phil, Rex:

I do have mixed feelings about the death penalty because:

As stated, it does not bring back those whom the murderer killed.

Innocent people have been killed by death penalty, I am certain on this.

It is another murder.. doesn't the bible state that we shall not kill? The only time murder is truly justified is in self defense....

On the other hand, how many times have you read that a rapist or murderer was paroled, and then raped or killed or both shortly after his release from prison?

And I am certain many murderers - rapists get really good lawyers, beat the rap... and kill and rape again.

So, yeah, the death penalty does help protect society.

But, now? I don't feel ANYTHING about Saddam being dead. He's probably inspired many other rats that want to be like him. Killing him DOES rid the world of him, but indeed, life does imitate art.. there are too many villains still loose, waiting to kill and take Saddam's place... and no one, even if Superman himself were real.. can catch them all.

He is dead. He is a martyr, yes... but, alive? Terrorists may well have kidnapped MANY to bargain for his release.

Killing Saddam is like cutting off but one of many heads on the hydra.. there will always be more to worry about.

Vigilance is a never ending process.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.