
Wonder Boy said:
That's very true. I can't dispute that.

But if you put away a guy for 15 or 20 years, and then set him free, you've still taken his life away.

That's some fucked up logic you got yourself there, boy.

Ask anyone: Would you rather get falsely imprisoned for 15 years, or falsely sentenced to death? Really, go out there and ask people. Git! You'll be shocked by the answer. You'll come back here, you'll google "whoa", you'll say "hmmm, I wish Jennifer Connelly would show more labia", you'll google "keanu", and then you'll post his picture here with the words "W H O A".


I recall an incident I read about in the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel back in 1993 or 1994. I graduated high school in 1981. And I read about a guy who'd been in prison in South Florida who'd been wrongfully convicted who was exactly the same age as me. He had hung out with two guys who were auto mechanics, who killed someone and pinned the blame on him. Several people, friends and girlfriends of the murderers, falsely testified that it was the innocent guy.

But 13 years later, one of the girlfriends who testified revealed that she lied, exposed the true story, and the innocent guy was set free after 13 years in jail. I couldn't help thinking about what I'd done in those years, and how this poor guy had to sit in prison all those years for a crime he didn't commit.
In addition, he'd been repeatedly raped in prison, and as a result had contracted HIV, so in his own words, his life was over, and he'd been released only so that he could die.

So, life in prison, or the death penalty. Both take away years and a life that can never be replaced.

So are you saying that... if you kill someone who was wrongly convicted... it's a mercy killing?

We falsely accused someone? Well, heck, we might as well kill 'em!
(Disclaimer: The above is an exaggeration of Wondy's post. I don't mean to say that he actually said that. Also, I don't want to kill him.)