
sharnofshade said:
By killing Saddam, we as a global people have made a mockery of disapproving of murder on ANY scale.


And also: I use the same argument against people supporting the death penalty as I do against people who are cruel to animals. I don't trust people who are cruel to animals not to be cruel to people too. And I will not ever trust a government or people who allow the murder of 'criminals' not to turn that mind-set on the innocent and the different and the weak. You might think that Saddam 'deserved' to die. But remember that now, right this second, there are people who believe that blacks 'deserve' to die. That gays 'deserve' to die. That anyone who does drugs 'deserves' to die. You can try to get into the nitty gritty of what makes one 'deserving' of death. Or you can realise that killing people is wrong, and that not being repelled by the idea of someone, ANYONE being killed, is an unhealthy and inefficient mindset.

Klinton, it's disappointing to see you post such soft-headed crap.

Please don't do it again.