As noted above, I can see legitimate arguments against the death penalty in general.

I would respectfully dispute, however, the idea that killing him somehow makes him more a martyr than if he received life in prison.

Over the years, in America and elsewhere, people have been sentenced to life in prison and then glamorized into "causes celebre," rightly or wrongly.

Who's to say, for example, that a group of misguided (or corrupt) Iraqis wouldn't make Saddam into that nations' twisted version of Nelson Mandela, and devote their lives to a revolution to restore him to power?

Furthermore, as part of that cult of personality, its not uncommon for criminals to be able to develop contacts while in prison to help them carry out further mischief. Look at, for example, that blind cleric in the US who's lawyer was helping him promote terrorism. Or consider Scott Peterson getting marriage proposals while behind bars.

No, in the long run, its better for Iraq that Saddam was tried and executed. The last thing they, or we, needed was him trying to usher a comeback from behind bars.