
Nowhereman said:

Pariah said:

Nowhereman said:
1) Alcatraz did not have any of the modern surveilance equipment we have today, so modern prisons can be a lot more secure if people wanna make it that way!

When more people break out more future state of the art holding cells, is this still going to be your tune?

So you really think that a modern prison with cameras & all sorts or sensors can really be compared to an antique like Alcatraz?

The point is that all the stuff we have available in this day and age & the governments (yes I am talking about my country as well, not just attacking the US) feel it is not important enough to spend money on making sure our prisons have more secure.
They would rather spend money on sending people into space or building weapons rather than making sure murderers & rapists stay behind bars!

How about this compromise : Establish a penal colony on the moon. Thus, the money would be spent both on space and on making sure murderers and rapists stay in prison.

I mean, where are the bastards going to escape to on the moon? It has no atmosphere, and they'd need to commandeer a rocket to go back to Earth, which can be made to be highly unlikely.

A book was written about this possibility :

" The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress ", by Robert Heinlein.

Very good book, btw.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.