
rex said:
It would still be a problem with prison security.

You're absolutly right. It IS a problem with prison security and Prison security varies depending on funding the ability to corrupt the system with money etc... All and all teh prison security can be bypassed in some cases by murderers. You know what they can't overcome? Death.

Someone else mentioned them being imprisoned with thier peers as being punishment enough. That works with molesters and to a lesser degree rapists, but murderers are at the top of the prison food chain. They recieve a level or respect and honor. Among the prison "tribe" they are the chiefs some could agrue that they get exactly what they want in prison. In prison they're free to kill and rape other inmates. Take for example a car thief, he's going to be in the same prison with the murderers where he'll most likely be abused and raped by th same.

I think the worlds focus has come to the point where we lean way too hard in teh direction of protecting criminals rather than protecting victims. here in Washington the (guess wich way they lean politically) Supreme court decided that anyone who murdered someone, but the victim died in an ambulance or the hospital rather than immediately, should have thier convictions overturned. So the thugs who beat a guy to death in the middle of the street durring Mardi Gras and teh Step father who beat his 3 year old stepson to death are back on the streets along with many more who fit the same profile. This wouldn't be an issue if these people were removed from the equaion shortly after being found guilty of murder

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