Originally posted by backwards7:

Off the top of my head, I'd have to say the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
I saw the ceiling of the Sistine chapel and it was beautiful. It's something you can look at for a long time and you keep thinking - 'well just a few more minutes and then I'll go.' but you always want a few more minutes.

The chapel was very crowded and the guides were trying to stop people from taking photos because the flashbulbs can harm the artwork.

There were these complete arseholes that were just ignoring them and taking photos anyway. I thought - you stupid ignorant bastards - not even looking at the ceiling and appreciating it firsthand but just snapping away with your cameras and damaging it for future visitors.

I've never seen it myself, but I'd love to. I've seen pictures of it, both before it was cleaned and after. Even dirty, it still looked good.