I can't choose greatest -- art is by its very nature subjective.

My favorite?


Always had a soft spot for Raphael's SCHOOL OF ATHENS...

Now, in regards to what's said before: I'm an art major myself, albeit in Illustration (though with lots of Art History required though). I place that ACTION #1 and AMAZING FANTASY #15 in the art category. I also place Stareena's gorgeous and tasteful modeling shot there. The woman with kidney stones may be cutting it close though, but a lot worse has been called art in these godless days od excrement-smeared madonnas...

BTW, I love the Pieta as well -- and I LOVE the use its gotten in comic book imagery: the famous shots of Cyclops with Phoenix (UNCANNY #136), Superman with Supergirl (CRISIS #7) and Batman with Robin ("Death in the Family") are all clear Pieta imagery. Who's to say comics aren't art... [wink]