There's a scene in The Agony and the Ecstacy where the Pope (played by Rex Harrison -- one of his funniest roles ever IMO) is being asked by the meek underlings about why Michealangelo (played by Heston) is painting all these *gasp* NUDES on the Sistine Chapel. He replies that it is the glorification of the human body. Adam and Eve were not ashamed (well at least before they ate that apple) of their nackedness, and the Bible does say they didn't wear clothes. What was he suppose to do, add togas on the two? The pope (really, Harrison is too funny in this -- he has the perfect whinning dictator voice for it lol) agrees, and Michealangelo was allowed to paint Adam and Eve as God created them.

(Actually, people went in after Michealangelo died and painted clothing on the nude saints in 'The Final Judgement' this was reveiled after the Sistine was cleaned up a few years ago.)

Glorification of the human form. Makes perfect sense to me. I think that's why Starenna's pic seems like art to me. Heck, the fact that's she's not some anorexic model earns my respect. She is showing off a physically fit body over those toothpicks that they put clothes one.

However, posing for the single reason of making guys reach full salute is not art. At least in my opinion.