Snarf...I'm giving the wimmens POV...

Like you, I too want to meet someone, fall hoplessly in love with them and live happily everafter. I think a good majority of people want something like that. It hurts inside when you don't have that. Currently I am without. I have meaningless sex and that can be fun for the moment, but I can't count how many times I've cried afterwards when I am alone and it is because I am alone afterwards. It is a sad and pathetic way to live and doesn't make it any easier when your friends who are in relationships, rub that in your face.

"Oh, we'd love for you to come, but this is a couple-sorta-thing. Maybe next time."

Yes, I have dated Assholes. My therapist said it was a lack of self confidence that made me believe that this was the best that I could. I was mentally abused by husband and boyfriends alike for many many years. The sick part was when I realized that my thearpist wasn't full of shit, I still dated the assholes.

Since I moved East I have started dated a "higher" class of men (when I date them) and by higher I mean men who open doors for me and treat me better then the others did. I go out with people, most I know will be nothing more then a friend with benefits and that takes some of the pressure off the situation. But it is still empty. Perhaps it makes it worse (this is the sorta thing I talk about on my blog). But I have gotten more selective. So I may not date as much, but the people I date are of a higher caliber.

So what does this have to do with your lament? Most of the time, women don't realize they are in a bad situation, they assume it is them or something that they did. Something like 80% of women in America have low self esteem. But in all honesty, when a man is an asshole I think women think that they are playing hard to get, and they try to get what the can't have.

Women are screwy but so are men.

My suggestion is if a woman is not worthy of your time, then don't spend any with her. She may realize her mistake and come around, if not, the bitch wasn't worth it. I'm not saying become an ass, or to lessen the amount of vigor with which you go into a relationship with, just protect yourself a little better. Don't let your heart go too fast (which is sad to say, but it is true) and be patient, she is out there...
