Oh, like this?

Pig Iron and Stareena
Secretly conceived a handful of robot girls.
Love to share their hearts in private.
Would volunteer to be the two responsible for re-populating the planet.

Pig Iron and Cowgirl Jack
Trying to conceive less than zero e-girls.
Enjoy opportunities to kiss periodically.
Make beautiful music together.

Pig Iron and Butterrican
May one day have some elitist girls.
Choose not to chat for the good of the free world.
Make beautiful music together.

Aaannn Gaaahhhhhhhh......

Pig Iron and Sneaky Bunny
May one day have a handful of superior children.
Can't wait to skinnydip weekly.
Follow their dreams.

Last edited by Pig Iron; 2004-03-09 4:34 AM.