♥ Captain Sammitch and ♥ Kimi
- Trying to adopt some Elven kids.
- Hope to hold hands for the foreseeable future.
- Live life on the edge near the coast.
That can't be right!!!

♥ Captain Sammitch and ♥ Stareena
- Plan to have many happy kids.
- Can't wait to take long walks in private.
- Defy the predictions and proclamations of any online toy.

♥ Captain Sammitch and ♥ wenchofthelodge
- Likely to conceive less than zero malevolent girls.
- Can't stand to lovingly serenade each other.
- Let their fans read more in the book of the same name.
- See past the formulaic.
I'm not quite sure, but I think that's what I'm talkin' about!


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