Ah, what the heck.

Darknight613 & Stareena

# Likely to conceive a superior girl.
# Can't wait to watch television together for the foreseeable future.
# Wouldn't have it any other way.

Darknight613 & Wenchofthelodge

# Plan to have a handful of superior kids.
# Enjoy opportunities to almost elope weekly.
# Have still not exactly determined who is more ticklish.

Darknight613 and Kimi

# Are rumoured to have adopted two genius girls.
# Pretend to arm-wrestle amicably.
# Have already picked out trendy names for servants.

Darknight613 and Butterrican

# Plan to have one identical girl.
# Can't stand to arm-wrestle at every opportunity.
# Follow their dreams.

Well, the fates have spoken.

"Well when I talk to people I don't have to worry about spelling." - wannabuyamonkey "If Schumacher’s last effort was the final nail in the coffin then Year One would’ve been the crazy guy who stormed the graveyard, dug up the coffin and put a bullet through the franchise’s corpse just to make sure." -- From a review of Darren Aronofsky & Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One" script