Cowgirl Jack and Rob Kamphausen
Secretly adopted many gruesome children.
Are prone to watch television as it mightn't lead to pregnancy
Make beautiful music together.

TK-069 and Cowgirl Jack
Likely to adopt 2.4 pre-paid children.
Elect to read weekly.
Are so cute.

Cowgirl Jack and Captain Sammitch
Will never conceive twenty-eight thousand expensive kids.
Are aspiring to hold hands periodically.
Have developed gills for extended kissing.

Cowgirl Jack and Grimm
Might adopt a pair of surrogate girls.
Like to hug each other.
Live life on the edge near the coast.

Cowgirl Jack and Thedoctor
May one day adopt a surrogate kid.
Intend to watch television together for the foreseeable future.
Buy lavish gifts for each other.
Make a difference.

Cowgirl Jack and Pro
Trying to adopt three pre-paid kids.
Are aspiring to kiss on Saturdays.
Have developed gills for extended kissing.

Cowgirl Jack and Chewy
Secretly conceived 2.4 robot children.
Enjoy opportunities to almost elope as it mightn't lead to pregnancy
Make beautiful music together.

Cowgirl Jack and Mxy
Secretly adopted a e-girl.
Like to watch television together when permitted.
Are the cutest couple that there ever will be.

I'm going to have to go with the Doc. I am a material girl.

"You're either lying or stupid."
"I'm stupid! I'm stupid!"
Megatron and Starscream